Self portrait of designer Susannah Boothroyd, wearing sunglasses and standing against a black and white background

susannah boothroyd


DESIGNER and MAKER | Jewellery | Textiles | Interiors | Costume | Events | Visual Merchandising | Graphic Design | Web Design | E-Commerce | Lifestyle | Small Business | Sustainability | Design & Technology | Organisation |

SUSANNAH BOOTHROYD is a gratuitously kind and hardworking human, with a sense of humour as dry as Death Valley, and as black as her favourite pair of Levi’s. 

In between dabbling in just about every discipline to be found in the design world, Susannah likes to chill out by compiling a ridiculously huge visual catalogue of beautiful images on Pinterest. Is 95,000 pins ridiculous? Yeah, probably. 

Susannah has spent way too many years working in Retail - way, WAY longer than any human reasonably should. While the downside of this experience includes PTSD triggered mainly by Mariah Carey Christmas songs, it has in fact given her a deep grounding in optimising customer experience, working as a team to get the most out of finite resources, staying calm in a fast-paced environment, converting sales data analysis into innovative visual merchandising and marketing campaigns, and the fundamentals of managing a successful E-commerce business. 

After years working for a variety of humans who can best be described as a collection of mixed nuts and assorted fruits, she has developed advanced skills in communicating and negotiating with all species of stakeholders, from CEO’s to first-time customers.

If Susannah goes missing for a few hours, you will likely find her deep in a stationary cupboard or forgotten storeroom, using her OCD wizardry to make a whole new room just happen out of nowhere. Yes, she is in fact a wizard. There is a very good chance that a DYMO label maker will be involved, and indoor potted plants may suddenly appear overnight.

Things Susannah needs to thrive: 1. First Coffee. 2. Second Coffee. 3. A safe place in a flat structured team, with a genuine focus on collaboration. 4. A "thank you, you've done a great job", once in a while. 5. New things to work on every day, but also time to delve into big projects that she can take ownership of and really get her teeth into. 

Many people would also consider Susannah to be a great dancer. So there's that. However Susannah does acknowledge that there is a limited need for this skill in most workplaces and she is ok with this situation.
+61 425 269 117